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Kerala Ayurveda Academy specializes in traditional and professional training, offering both in-class and online formats, with convenient weekend and evening schedules.

Basics of Ayurveda (BOA)

18 hours – Online 

This course will introduce you to the foundational concepts of Ayurveda that will enable you to expand your knowledge and prepare for more advanced studies. We will start with the philosophical origins of the universe and apply that for an understanding of the development of the human body. Ayurvedic psychology, physiology, daily & seasonal routines, unique body constitutions, and nutrition are some of the main topics that will be covered.

Introduction‌ ‌to‌ ‌Panchakarma‌ (PK1)

9 hours – Online 

This course will provide an introduction to one of Ayurveda’s most powerful practices, Panchakarma. It will focus on the importance of Panchakarma as a detoxification and healing process. We will cover the three stages of panchakarma and the different main procedures to be implemented based on the rogi’s condition.

Introduction‌ ‌to‌ ‌Ayurvedic‌ ‌Nutrition‌ (AN1)

9 hours – Online 

This foundational course will introduce you to the multiple concepts of ahara: tastes, gunas, karma, virya, and vipaka. You will learn about proper digestion from Ayurvedic teachings. It will also go over ways to balance the diet, including when and how to take in foods as well as which foods to eat. All of these concepts will teach you how to customize your eating habits and meal planning for a healthier lifestyle.

Introduction‌ ‌to‌ ‌Ayurvedic‌ ‌Formulations (AF1)

12 hours total (6 hours Online + 6 hours In-campus) 

This program will share the complex history of Bhaishajakalpana, Ayurvedic Formulation Making. We will discuss how to select the correct formula for a given situation to yield the greatest benefit for a rogi. We will also learn how herbs are processed into primary preparations and delve into more detailed explanations and demonstrations of making fresh juices, pastes, decoctions, and hot and cold infusions.

Introduction‌ ‌to‌ ‌Ayurvedic‌ ‌Herbology‌ (AH1)

12 hours total (4 days/ 3 hours per day) – Online 

This course will introduce you to the vast study of Ayurvedic Herbology. You will learn how to comprehensively analyze key factors of herbs such as: taste, potency, post-digestive effect and what they mean for your health. Ayurveda teaches us that simply taking herbs is not sufficient for gaining the maximum benefit that the herb has to offer. We will also discuss how to maximize the absorption of particular herbs so that we can experience the most benefit possible. Our experienced teachers will also offer insight into the special effects that certain herbs will have on your health.

Introduction‌ ‌to‌ ‌Ayurvedic‌ ‌Pathology‌ (AP1)

18 hours total (6 days/ 3 hours per day) – Online 

This program is vital for your study of Ayurveda! It is one thing when you study out of a textbook, but it is taken to the next level when you have a rogi in front of you that you want to understand. This course will give you a step-by-step method on how to properly assess and diagnose a rogi. The course will cover the Three-Fold examination, the Eight-Fold examination (which includes the renowned Ayurvedic pulse diagnosis), and the Ten-Fold examination.

Preventive Practices of Ayurveda (PPA)

12 hours total (4 days/ 3 hours per day) – Online 

This course is focused on the practices Ayurveda teaches for the prevention of disease. This includes daily and seasonal living routines with the aim of maintaining optimal health. The understanding and implementation of these rituals will help an individual to feel more balanced and healthy.

Ayurvedic‌ ‌Anatomy‌ (AA)

15 hours total (5 days/ 3 hours per day) – Online 

While Ayurveda teaches us that human life expands beyond the physical experience, we must start with a healthy understanding of the physical body. This course will expand on the fundamentals of human anatomy and provide you with a deeper understanding of the structure and functions of the body.

Ayurvedic Wellness‌ ‌Massage‌ ‌(AWM)

27 hours total (2 days/3 hours per day Online + 21 hrs in-campus) 

There is a reason that Ayurveda is most popularly known for its healing, stress-relieving oil body massage, abhyanga. All someone has to do is experience this one time to understand the holistic benefits. This course will teach you the techniques so that you can offer this healing therapy and incorporate it into any massage practice or spa. You will learn how to perform abhyanga full body massages, facials, foot massages, sirodhara, and udwarthanam (body scrubs). You will learn how to prepare the body for the oils or other ingredients used, proper applications, specific strokes, draping, before and after care, clean up and the appropriate frequency of treatments.

Special Ayurvedic Therapies of Kerala (SATK)

21 hours total (2 days/3 hours per day Online + 15 hrs in-campus) 

Residents of Kerala know there are some Kerala special Ayurvedic therapies known as Keraleeya‌ ‌chikithsakrama‌. It is an honor to share these traditional treatments, therapies and recipes with students. In this course, you will learn and practice onsite some of these techniques including; Pizhichil, ksheeradhara, thakradhara, jambeerapindasweda, patrapindasweda, shashtikasalipindasweda (NjvaraKizhi), sirolepa (ThalPothichil), njavaralepa, and ksheeradhooma.

Advanced‌ ‌Panchakarma‌ (PK2)

36 hours total (6 days/3 hours per day Online + 18 hrs in-campus) 

Panchakarma is known around the world for being one of the most effective and powerful ways to remove toxins and impurities from the mind and body. Since this is such a powerful process, it is important to study it thoroughly to understand the deepest level of understanding. This course involves a combination of theory and hands-on practice, covering advanced topics of Panchakarma, including bodywork, detoxification and Rasayana.

Ayurvedic‌ ‌Beauty‌ ‌Care‌ (ABC)

36 hours total (6 days/3 hours per day Online + 18 hrs in-campus) 

This program is taught by Ayurvedic Doctors who specialize in beauty therapies to introduce you to the concept of Ayurvedic Beauty Care. This course will illustrate to you that many ailments have a root cause and that by learning how to manage the root cause, you will be able to solve all or most of the ailments. We will analyze some common issues involving the head, skin, eyes and mouth and how to treat them. We will also go over practices designed to maintain good health in a preventative fashion that results in beautiful hair, skin, face and feet, true beauty from the inside out!

Advanced Ayurvedic‌ ‌Nutrition‌ ‌(AN2)

18 hours total (6 days/ 3 hours per day) – Online 

As processed foods become more common, the healthy, holistic conversation continues to shift towards highlighting the importance of why we should avoid these foods and prioritize whole foods in their natural, freshly prepared form. Ayurveda takes this a step further by teaching us not only what foods to eat, but when and how to eat for optimal digestion and nutrient assimilation. More than just reviewing these important rules, this course will explain in detail what happens inside the body when we eat improper foods or foods in the improper way. We will also go into greater detail about the various foods groups and how to choose foods in accordance with what is best for each prakruti.

Advanced‌ ‌Ayurvedic Formulations (AF2)

36 hours total (12 hours Online + 24 hours in-campus) 

This program will help you gain substantial knowledge about the fundamentals of different Ayurvedic formulations. During the practical parts of this program, you will learn how to prepare common classical formulations in forms of oils, decoctions, ghees, and more.

Advanced‌ ‌Ayurvedic Herbology‌ ‌(AH2)

39 hours total (13 days/ 3 hours per day) – Online

This program will provide you with a detailed explanation of common and medicinal plants. We will learn how to collect these herbs and understand their qualities and health benefits. Studying common spices that can be used in daily cooking is also important to ensure that they are being selected and used properly. This program will extend beyond single herbs and teach you the qualities and usefulness of different groups of herbs as well.

Ayurvedic Disease‌ ‌Management‌ ‌(ADM)

96 hours total (60 hours Online + 36 hours in-campus) 

This program will pull together all of the information that you have learned in previous courses and guide you on how to properly manage the disease that you are handling. Many people believe that Ayurveda is only focused on healthy cooking and how to live a healthy lifestyle. What many do not have a full appreciation for is that at its core, Ayurveda is a healing science with extensive teachings on specifically how to treat a disease. Ayurveda does not simply alleviate the symptoms of a disease. Instead, it teaches you how to identify the disease at the root cause so that it can be entirely eliminated from the body.

Ayurvedic Cooking (AYC)

15 hours In-Campus 

This course is designed for people with an appetite for healthy foods or professionals who wish to incorporate Ayurvedic principles into their dishes. We will learn how to prepare teas, appetizers, snacks, main meals, and puddings, all with an understanding of their doshic interactions. Ayurveda says that we should enjoy the food we cook and eat, so in addition to being nutritious, the foods are equally as delicious!

Ayurvedic Cosmetology (AC)

93 hours total (54 hours online + 39 hours in-campus)

This program will teach you about the Ayurvedic concepts of beauty and the lifestyle choices you can implement to maintain it. Crucial to all studies of Ayurveda, we will learn how each of these practices can be modified to fit the needs of each individual. We will also go over practices designed to maintain good health in a preventative fashion that results in beautiful hair, skin, face and feet, true beauty from the inside out!

Ayurvedic Lifestyle Practices Certificate (ALP)

30 hours online

This program is designed to guide the student into the understanding of balanced, healthy and happy living. It points out which parts of your lifestyle are not healthy and explains the effects that may have. The program will then teach you how to replace those habits with healthy ones and gives a guide to better living. Students will be eligible to give lifestyle advice & natural remedies for common health issues.

Ayurvedic Nutrition (AN)

57 hours online

Nutrition is one of the most interesting, extensive, and important aspects of living a healthy life! Any nutritionist will tell you that, of course, what we eat is crucial to good health. Ayurveda takes this a step further by teaching us that when and how we eat are equally as important to what we eat. Ayurvedic nutrition is highly personalized, thorough in its explanation behind each theory, and undeniable beneficial once you experience its effects.

Ayurvedic Spa Therapy (ASP)

24 (Online) + 21 (On-site) = 45 Hours

This program is designed for those who want to incorporate some of the most powerful stress relieving and rejuvenating practices and techniques to their spa therapy offerings or personal life. With a strong understanding of the human body, these techniques are delivered in a way that specifically releases stress and rejuvenates the body. During the theory part of this program, you will learn how and when to implement a particular technique and the proper materials and ingredients to use. The practical portion of this program is very important as you will receive direct instruction from an experienced Ayurvedic professional to help you perfect your technique.

Ayurvedic Herbology (AH)

69 hours online

This program will provide you with an extensive amount of knowledge in the fascinating world of Ayurvedic herbs. Knowledge of these herbs comes to us from both experience and divine wisdom being shared. We are lucky to have this knowledge recorded, waiting to be learned and implemented for the betterment of human health.

Ayurvedic Pharmaceutics (AP)

54 online + 30 on site = 84 hours

Single herbs can provide an amazing benefit when properly prescribed. When multiple single herbs are combined together to make a formula, their effect is potentiated and the benefit is greater than any herb alone. This program is designed to shed light on some of the most important Ayurvedic formulations. The preparation, uses, advantages and disadvantages of each formula will be covered.

Panchakarma Therapist Certification (PTC)

126 hours total (72 hours Online + 54 hours in-campus)

Panchakarma is one of the most world renowned practices within the entire science of Ayurveda. It is the most effective way to remove toxins and impurities from the deepest tissue levels of the mind & body. Tp practice Panchakarma requires an extensive amount of knowledge, studying, and supervised practice. This program will teach you how to choose the most effective procedure for each rogi as well as the various phases involved, all under supervised guidance.

Ayurvedic Disease Management Certification (ADMC)

399 hours total (273 hours Online + 126 hours in-campus)

This program will teach you how to identify the factors causing a disease, how to trace the disease’s progression through the body, and most importantly, how to treat the disease. Ayurveda is not interested in simply addressing the symptoms of a disease. Ayurveda will address the root cause of a disease so that it is entirely eliminated from the body.

Clinical Training for Ayurvedic Doctors inc. Panchakarma (only for BAMS from India) (CPK)

90 hours in-campus

This program is designed for Ayurvedic doctors (BAMS) who want to further their knowledge of Ayurveda’s most powerful detoxification practice, Panchakarma. There is an endless amount of knowledge to be gained on this extensive topic which is what prompted us to offer this specialized training. This program will help fine tune the skills of a new Ayurvedic Doctor and would also be a wonderful program for any experienced doctor looking to refresh their skills in this complex practice.

Ayurvedic Nutrition & Cooking (ANC)

72 hours total (57 hours Online + 15 hours in-campus)

This program is designed for people with an appetite for healthy food or professionals who wish to incorporate Ayurvedic principles into their dishes. We will learn how to prepare various meals, all with an understanding of their doshic interactions. Ayurveda says that we should enjoy the food we cook and eat, so in addition to being nutritious, the foods are equally as delicious!

DAHCP (Diploma in Ayurvedic Health Care Practices including Panchakarma)

Duration – 1 Year

This program is mainly designed for Kerala students to develop into quality therapists and perform Ayurvedic therapies in the most authentic & professional manner.

Ayurvedic Life Practical 

In this 50 hour (6 full days + 1 day sightseeing) practical session, you will live the Ayurvedic Life at Kerala Ayurveda’s Health Village in Cochin, India. The Health Village is a healing haven, nestled along the Periyar River and abundantly full of Ayurvedic herbs and vibrant flowers.

Hands On Clinical Internship 

In this 150 hours (17 days) internship, you will experience India both Ayurvedically and culturally. You will live and learn at Kerala Ayurveda’s Health Village in Cochin, India. Experiencing the practices and therapies of Ayurveda in their homeland allows you to understand their origins and elevates your appreciation.


Basics of Ayurveda (BOA)

18 hours – Online 

This course will introduce you to the foundational concepts of Ayurveda that will enable you to expand your knowledge and prepare for more advanced studies. We will start with the philosophical origins of the universe and apply that for an understanding of the development of the human body. Ayurvedic psychology, physiology, daily & seasonal routines, unique body constitutions, and nutrition are some of the main topics that will be covered.

Introduction‌ ‌to‌ ‌Panchakarma‌ (PK1)

9 hours – Online 

This course will provide an introduction to one of Ayurveda’s most powerful practices, Panchakarma. It will focus on the importance of Panchakarma as a detoxification and healing process. We will cover the three stages of panchakarma and the different main procedures to be implemented based on the rogi’s condition.

Introduction‌ ‌to‌ ‌Ayurvedic‌ ‌Nutrition‌ (AN1)

9 hours – Online 

This foundational course will introduce you to the multiple concepts of ahara: tastes, gunas, karma, virya, and vipaka. You will learn about proper digestion from Ayurvedic teachings. It will also go over ways to balance the diet, including when and how to take in foods as well as which foods to eat. All of these concepts will teach you how to customize your eating habits and meal planning for a healthier lifestyle.

Introduction‌ ‌to‌ ‌Ayurvedic‌ ‌Pathology‌ (AP1)

18 hours total (6 days/ 3 hours per day) - Online 

This program is vital for your study of Ayurveda! It is one thing when you study out of a textbook, but it is taken to the next level when you have a rogi in front of you that you want to understand. This course will give you a step-by-step method on how to properly assess and diagnose a rogi. The course will cover the Three-Fold examination, the Eight-Fold examination (which includes the renowned Ayurvedic pulse diagnosis), and the Ten-Fold examination.

Introduction‌ ‌to‌ ‌Ayurvedic‌ ‌Herbology‌ (AH1)

12 hours total (4 days/ 3 hours per day) - Online 

This course will introduce you to the vast study of Ayurvedic Herbology. You will learn how to comprehensively analyze key factors of herbs such as: taste, potency, post-digestive effect and what they mean for your health. Ayurveda teaches us that simply taking herbs is not sufficient for gaining the maximum benefit that the herb has to offer. We will also discuss how to maximize the absorption of particular herbs so that we can experience the most benefit possible. Our experienced teachers will also offer insight into the special effects that certain herbs will have on your health.

Preventive Practices of Ayurveda (PPA)

12 hours total (4 days/ 3 hours per day) - Online 

This course is focused on the practices Ayurveda teaches for the prevention of disease. This includes daily and seasonal living routines with the aim of maintaining optimal health. The understanding and implementation of these rituals will help an individual to feel more balanced and healthy.

Advanced‌ ‌Ayurvedic Herbology‌ ‌(AH2)

39 hours total (13 days/ 3 hours per day) - Online 

This program will provide you with a detailed explanation of common and medicinal plants. We will learn how to collect these herbs and understand their qualities and health benefits. Studying common spices that can be used in daily cooking is also important to ensure that they are being selected and used properly. This program will extend beyond single herbs and teach you the qualities and usefulness of different groups of herbs as well.

Advanced Ayurvedic‌ ‌Nutrition‌ ‌(AN2)

18 hours total (6 days/ 3 hours per day) – Online 

As processed foods become more common, the healthy, holistic conversation continues to shift towards highlighting the importance of why we should avoid these foods and prioritize whole foods in their natural, freshly prepared form. Ayurveda takes this a step further by teaching us not only what foods to eat, but when and how to eat for optimal digestion and nutrient assimilation. More than just reviewing these important rules, this course will explain in detail what happens inside the body when we eat improper foods or foods in the improper way. We will also go into greater detail about the various foods groups and how to choose foods in accordance with what is best for each prakruti.

Ayurvedic Lifestyle Practices Certificate (ALP)

30 hours online

This program is designed to guide the student into the understanding of balanced, healthy and happy living. It points out which parts of your lifestyle are not healthy and explains the effects that may have. The program will then teach you how to replace those habits with healthy ones and gives a guide to better living. Students will be eligible to give lifestyle advice & natural remedies for common health issues.

Ayurvedic Nutrition (AN)

57 hours online

Nutrition is one of the most interesting, extensive, and important aspects of living a healthy life! Any nutritionist will tell you that, of course, what we eat is crucial to good health. Ayurveda takes this a step further by teaching us that when and how we eat are equally as important to what we eat. Ayurvedic nutrition is highly personalized, thorough in its explanation behind each theory, and undeniable beneficial once you experience its effects.

Ayurvedic Herbology (AH)

69 hours online

This program will provide you with an extensive amount of knowledge in the fascinating world of Ayurvedic herbs. Knowledge of these herbs comes to us from both experience and divine wisdom being shared. We are lucky to have this knowledge recorded, waiting to be learned and implemented for the betterment of human health.

Ayurvedic‌ ‌Anatomy‌ (AA)

15 hours total (5 days/ 3 hours per day) – Online 

While Ayurveda teaches us that human life expands beyond the physical experience, we must start with a healthy understanding of the physical body. This course will expand on the fundamentals of human anatomy and provide you with a deeper understanding of the structure and functions of the body.

Below are the list of classes offered both online and on campus. Please note, each class will have the total fee listed as well as the online and on campus portion. You may register for the online portion first, then once you have accessed our elearning system you may choose your on campus portion of the course at a later date and pay that fee.

If you have any questions about this process, please contact us at

Introduction‌ ‌to‌ ‌Ayurvedic‌ ‌Formulations (AF1)

12 hours total (6 hours Online + 6 hours In-campus) 

This program will share the complex history of Bhaishajakalpana, Ayurvedic Formulation Making. We will discuss how to select the correct formula for a given situation to yield the greatest benefit for a rogi. We will also learn how herbs are processed into primary preparations and delve into more detailed explanations and demonstrations of making fresh juices, pastes, decoctions, and hot and cold infusions.

Ayurvedic Disease‌ ‌Management‌ ‌(ADM)

96 hours total (60 hours Online + 36 hours in-campus) 

This program will pull together all of the information that you have learned in previous courses and guide you on how to properly manage the disease that you are handling. Many people believe that Ayurveda is only focused on healthy cooking and how to live a healthy lifestyle. What many do not have a full appreciation for is that at its core, Ayurveda is a healing science with extensive teachings on specifically how to treat a disease. Ayurveda does not simply alleviate the symptoms of a disease. Instead, it teaches you how to identify the disease at the root cause so that it can be entirely eliminated from the body.

Ayurvedic‌ ‌Beauty‌ ‌Care‌ (ABC)

36 hours total (6 days/3 hours per day Online+ 18 hrs in-campus) 

This program is taught by Ayurvedic Doctors who specialize in beauty therapies to introduce you to the concept of Ayurvedic Beauty Care. This course will illustrate to you that many ailments have a root cause and that by learning how to manage the root cause, you will be able to solve all or most of the ailments. We will analyze some common issues involving the head, skin, eyes and mouth and how to treat them. We will also go over practices designed to maintain good health in a preventative fashion that results in beautiful hair, skin, face and feet, true beauty from the inside out!

Advanced‌ ‌Panchakarma‌ (PK2)

36 hours total (6 days/3 hours per day Online + 18 hrs in-campus) 

Panchakarma is known around the world for being one of the most effective and powerful ways to remove toxins and impurities from the mind and body. Since this is such a powerful process, it is important to study it thoroughly to understand the deepest level of understanding. This course involves a combination of theory and hands-on practice, covering advanced topics of Panchakarma, including bodywork, detoxification and Rasayana.

Special Ayurvedic Therapies of Kerala (SATK)

21 hours total (2 days/3 hours per day Online + 15 hrs in-campus) 

Residents of Kerala know there are some Kerala special Ayurvedic therapies known as Keraleeya‌ ‌chikithsakrama‌. It is an honor to share these traditional treatments, therapies and recipes with students. In this course, you will learn and practice onsite some of these techniques including; Pizhichil, ksheeradhara, thakradhara, jambeerapindasweda, patrapindasweda, shashtikasalipindasweda (NjvaraKizhi), sirolepa (ThalPothichil), njavaralepa, and ksheeradhooma.

Ayurvedic Wellness‌ ‌Massage‌ ‌(AWM)

27 hours total (2 days/3 hours per day Online + 21 hrs in-campus) 

There is a reason that Ayurveda is most popularly known for its healing, stress-relieving oil body massage, abhyanga. All someone has to do is experience this one time to understand the holistic benefits. This course will teach you the techniques so that you can offer this healing therapy and incorporate it into any massage practice or spa. You will learn how to perform abhyanga full body massages, facials, foot massages, sirodhara, and udwarthanam (body scrubs). You will learn how to prepare the body for the oils or other ingredients used, proper applications, specific strokes, draping, before and after care, clean up and the appropriate frequency of treatments.

Advanced‌ ‌Ayurvedic Formulations (AF2)

36 hours total (12 hours Online + 24 hours in-campus) 

This program will help you gain substantial knowledge about the fundamentals of different Ayurvedic formulations. During the practical parts of this program, you will learn how to prepare common classical formulations in forms of oils, decoctions, ghees, and more.


Ayurvedic Spa Therapy (ASP)

24 (Online) + 21 (On-site) = 45 Hours

This program is designed for those who want to incorporate some of the most powerful stress relieving and rejuvenating practices and techniques to their spa therapy offerings or personal life. With a strong understanding of the human body, these techniques are delivered in a way that specifically releases stress and rejuvenates the body. During the theory part of this program, you will learn how and when to implement a particular technique and the proper materials and ingredients to use. The practical portion of this program is very important as you will receive direct instruction from an experienced Ayurvedic professional to help you perfect your technique.

Ayurvedic Pharmaceutics (AP)

78 hours total (48 hours Online + 30 hrs in-campus)

Single herbs can provide an amazing benefit when properly prescribed. When multiple single herbs are combined together to make a formula, their effect is potentiated and the benefit is greater than any herb alone. This program is designed to shed light on some of the most important Ayurvedic formulations. The preparation, uses, advantages and disadvantages of each formula will be covered.

Panchakarma Therapist Certification (PTC)

72 (Online) + 54 (On-site) = 126 Hours

Panchakarma is one of the most world renowned practices within the entire science of Ayurveda. It is the most effective way to remove toxins and impurities from the deepest tissue levels of the mind & body. Tp practice Panchakarma requires an extensive amount of knowledge, studying, and supervised practice. This program will teach you how to choose the most effective procedure for each rogi as well as the various phases involved, all under supervised guidance.

Ayurvedic Disease Management Certification (ADMC)

399 hours total (273 hours Online + 126 hrs in-campus) 

This program will teach you how to identify the factors causing a disease, how to trace the disease’s progression through the body, and most importantly, how to treat the disease. Ayurveda is not interested in simply addressing the symptoms of a disease. Ayurveda will address the root cause of a disease so that it is entirely eliminated from the body.

Ayurvedic Nutrition & Cooking (ANC)

72 hours total (57 hours Online + 15 hrs in-campus)

This program is designed for people with an appetite for healthy food or professionals who wish to incorporate Ayurvedic principles into their dishes. We will learn how to prepare various meals, all with an understanding of their doshic interactions. Ayurveda says that we should enjoy the food we cook and eat, so in addition to being nutritious, the foods are equally as delicious!

Ayurvedic Cosmetology (AC)

93 hours total (54 hours Online + 39 hrs in-campus)

This program will teach you about the Ayurvedic concepts of beauty and the lifestyle choices you can implement to maintain it. Crucial to all studies of Ayurveda, we will learn how each of these practices can be modified to fit the needs of each individual. We will also go over practices designed to maintain good health in a preventative fashion that results in beautiful hair, skin, face and feet, true beauty from the inside out!


DAHCP (Diploma in Ayurvedic Health Care Practices including Panchakarma)

Duration - 1 Year

This program is mainly designed for Kerala students to develop into quality therapists and perform Ayurvedic therapies in the most authentic & professional manner.

Clinical Training for Ayurvedic Doctors inc. Panchakarma (only for BAMS from India) (CPK)

90 hours in-campus 

This program is designed for Ayurvedic doctors (BAMS) who want to further their knowledge of Ayurveda’s most powerful detoxification practice, Panchakarma. There is an endless amount of knowledge to be gained on this extensive topic which is what prompted us to offer this specialized training. This program will help fine tune the skills of a new Ayurvedic Doctor and would also be a wonderful program for any experienced doctor looking to refresh their skills in this complex practice.

Ayurvedic Life Practical 

In this 50 hour (6 full days + 1 day sightseeing) practical session, you will live the Ayurvedic Life at Kerala Ayurveda’s Health Village in Cochin, India. The Health Village is a healing haven, nestled along the Periyar River and abundantly full of Ayurvedic herbs and vibrant flowers.

Hands On Clinical Internship 

In this 150 hours (17 days) internship, you will experience India both Ayurvedically and culturally. You will live and learn at Kerala Ayurveda’s Health Village in Cochin, India. Experiencing the practices and therapies of Ayurveda in their homeland allows you to understand their origins and elevates your appreciation.

Ayurvedic Cooking (AYC)

15 hours In-Campus 

This course is designed for people with an appetite for healthy foods or professionals who wish to incorporate Ayurvedic principles into their dishes. We will learn how to prepare teas, appetizers, snacks, main meals, and puddings, all with an understanding of their doshic interactions. Ayurveda says that we should enjoy the food we cook and eat, so in addition to being nutritious, the foods are equally as delicious!

Kerala Ayurveda Academy specializes in traditional and professional training, offering both in-class and online formats, with convenient weekend and evening schedules.

Basics of Ayurveda (BOA)

18 hours – Online

This course will introduce you to the foundational concepts of Ayurveda that will enable you to expand your knowledge and prepare for more advanced studies. We will start with the philosophical origins of the universe and apply that for an understanding of the development of the human body. Ayurvedic psychology, physiology, daily & seasonal routines, unique body constitutions, and nutrition are some of the main topics that will be covered.

Introduction‌ ‌to‌ ‌Panchakarma‌ (PK1)

9 hours – Online

This course will provide an introduction to one of Ayurveda’s most powerful practices, Panchakarma. It will focus on the importance of Panchakarma as a detoxification and healing process. We will cover the three stages of panchakarma and the different main procedures to be implemented based on the rogi’s condition.

Introduction‌ ‌to‌ ‌Ayurvedic‌ ‌Nutrition‌ (AN1)

9 hours – Online

This foundational course will introduce you to the multiple concepts of ahara: tastes, gunas, karma, virya, and vipaka. You will learn about proper digestion from Ayurvedic teachings. It will also go over ways to balance the diet, including when and how to take in foods as well as which foods to eat. All of these concepts will teach you how to customize your eating habits and meal planning for a healthier lifestyle.

Introduction‌ ‌to‌ ‌Ayurvedic‌ ‌Formulations (AF1)

12 hours total (6 hours Online + 6 hours In-campus)

This program will share the complex history of Bhaishajakalpana, Ayurvedic Formulation Making. We will discuss how to select the correct formula for a given situation to yield the greatest benefit for a rogi. We will also learn how herbs are processed into primary preparations and delve into more detailed explanations and demonstrations of making fresh juices, pastes, decoctions, and hot and cold infusions.

Introduction‌ ‌to‌ ‌Ayurvedic‌ ‌Herbology‌ (AH1)

12 hours total (4 days/ 3 hours per day) – Online

This course will introduce you to the vast study of Ayurvedic Herbology. You will learn how to comprehensively analyze key factors of herbs such as: taste, potency, post-digestive effect and what they mean for your health. Ayurveda teaches us that simply taking herbs is not sufficient for gaining the maximum benefit that the herb has to offer. We will also discuss how to maximize the absorption of particular herbs so that we can experience the most benefit possible. Our experienced teachers will also offer insight into the special effects that certain herbs will have on your health.

Introduction‌ ‌to‌ ‌Ayurvedic‌ ‌Pathology‌ (AP1)

18 hours total (6 days/ 3 hours per day) – Online

This program is vital for your study of Ayurveda! It is one thing when you study out of a textbook, but it is taken to the next level when you have a rogi in front of you that you want to understand. This course will give you a step-by-step method on how to properly assess and diagnose a rogi. The course will cover the Three-Fold examination, the Eight-Fold examination (which includes the renowned Ayurvedic pulse diagnosis), and the Ten-Fold examination.

Preventive Practices of Ayurveda (PPA)

12 hours total (4 days/ 3 hours per day) – Online

This course is focused on the practices Ayurveda teaches for the prevention of disease. This includes daily and seasonal living routines with the aim of maintaining optimal health. The understanding and implementation of these rituals will help an individual to feel more balanced and healthy.

Ayurvedic‌ ‌Anatomy‌ (AA)

15 hours total (5 days/ 3 hours per day) – Online

While Ayurveda teaches us that human life expands beyond the physical experience, we must start with a healthy understanding of the physical body. This course will expand on the fundamentals of human anatomy and provide you with a deeper understanding of the structure and functions of the body.

Ayurvedic Wellness‌ ‌Massage‌ ‌(AWM)

27 hours total (2 days/3 hours per day Online + 21 hrs in-campus)

There is a reason that Ayurveda is most popularly known for its healing, stress-relieving oil body massage, abhyanga. All someone has to do is experience this one time to understand the holistic benefits. This course will teach you the techniques so that you can offer this healing therapy and incorporate it into any massage practice or spa. You will learn how to perform abhyanga full body massages, facials, foot massages, sirodhara, and udwarthanam (body scrubs). You will learn how to prepare the body for the oils or other ingredients used, proper applications, specific strokes, draping, before and after care, clean up and the appropriate frequency of treatments.

Special Ayurvedic Therapies of Kerala (SATK)

21 hours total (2 days/3 hours per day Online + 15 hrs in-campus)

Residents of Kerala know there are some Kerala special Ayurvedic therapies known as Keraleeya‌ ‌chikithsakrama‌. It is an honor to share these traditional treatments, therapies and recipes with students. In this course, you will learn and practice onsite some of these techniques including; Pizhichil, ksheeradhara, thakradhara, jambeerapindasweda, patrapindasweda, shashtikasalipindasweda (NjvaraKizhi), sirolepa (ThalPothichil), njavaralepa, and ksheeradhooma.

Advanced‌ ‌Panchakarma‌ (PK2)

36 hours total (6 days/3 hours per day Online + 18 hrs in-campus)

Panchakarma is known around the world for being one of the most effective and powerful ways to remove toxins and impurities from the mind and body. Since this is such a powerful process, it is important to study it thoroughly to understand the deepest level of understanding. This course involves a combination of theory and hands-on practice, covering advanced topics of Panchakarma, including bodywork, detoxification and Rasayana.

Ayurvedic‌ ‌Beauty‌ ‌Care‌ (ABC)

36 hours total (6 days/3 hours per day Online + 18 hrs in-campus)

This program is taught by Ayurvedic Doctors who specialize in beauty therapies to introduce you to the concept of Ayurvedic Beauty Care. This course will illustrate to you that many ailments have a root cause and that by learning how to manage the root cause, you will be able to solve all or most of the ailments. We will analyze some common issues involving the head, skin, eyes and mouth and how to treat them. We will also go over practices designed to maintain good health in a preventative fashion that results in beautiful hair, skin, face and feet, true beauty from the inside out!

Advanced Ayurvedic‌ ‌Nutrition‌ ‌(AN2)

18 hours total (6 days/ 3 hours per day) – Online

As processed foods become more common, the healthy, holistic conversation continues to shift towards highlighting the importance of why we should avoid these foods and prioritize whole foods in their natural, freshly prepared form. Ayurveda takes this a step further by teaching us not only what foods to eat, but when and how to eat for optimal digestion and nutrient assimilation. More than just reviewing these important rules, this course will explain in detail what happens inside the body when we eat improper foods or foods in the improper way. We will also go into greater detail about the various foods groups and how to choose foods in accordance with what is best for each prakruti.

Advanced‌ ‌Ayurvedic Formulations (AF2)

36 hours total (12 hours Online + 24 hours in-campus)

This program will help you gain substantial knowledge about the fundamentals of different Ayurvedic formulations. During the practical parts of this program, you will learn how to prepare common classical formulations in forms of oils, decoctions, ghees, and more.

Advanced‌ ‌Ayurvedic Herbology‌ ‌(AH2)

39 hours total (13 days/ 3 hours per day) – Online

This program will provide you with a detailed explanation of common and medicinal plants. We will learn how to collect these herbs and understand their qualities and health benefits. Studying common spices that can be used in daily cooking is also important to ensure that they are being selected and used properly. This program will extend beyond single herbs and teach you the qualities and usefulness of different groups of herbs as well.

Ayurvedic Disease‌ ‌Management‌ ‌(ADM)

96 hours total (60 hours Online + 36 hours in-campus)

This program will pull together all of the information that you have learned in previous courses and guide you on how to properly manage the disease that you are handling. Many people believe that Ayurveda is only focused on healthy cooking and how to live a healthy lifestyle. What many do not have a full appreciation for is that at its core, Ayurveda is a healing science with extensive teachings on specifically how to treat a disease. Ayurveda does not simply alleviate the symptoms of a disease. Instead, it teaches you how to identify the disease at the root cause so that it can be entirely eliminated from the body.

Ayurvedic Cooking (AYC)

15 hours In-Campus

This course is designed for people with an appetite for healthy foods or professionals who wish to incorporate Ayurvedic principles into their dishes. We will learn how to prepare teas, appetizers, snacks, main meals, and puddings, all with an understanding of their doshic interactions. Ayurveda says that we should enjoy the food we cook and eat, so in addition to being nutritious, the foods are equally as delicious!

Ayurvedic Lifestyle Practices Certificate (ALP)

30 hours online

This program is designed to guide the student into the understanding of balanced, healthy and happy living. It points out which parts of your lifestyle are not healthy and explains the effects that may have. The program will then teach you how to replace those habits with healthy ones and gives a guide to better living. Students will be eligible to give lifestyle advice & natural remedies for common health issues.

Ayurvedic Cosmetology (AC)

93 hours total (54 hours online + 39 hours in-campus)

This program will teach you about the Ayurvedic concepts of beauty and the lifestyle choices you can implement to maintain it. Crucial to all studies of Ayurveda, we will learn how each of these practices can be modified to fit the needs of each individual. We will also go over practices designed to maintain good health in a preventative fashion that results in beautiful hair, skin, face and feet, true beauty from the inside out!

Ayurvedic Nutrition (AN)

57 hours online

Nutrition is one of the most interesting, extensive, and important aspects of living a healthy life! Any nutritionist will tell you that, of course, what we eat is crucial to good health. Ayurveda takes this a step further by teaching us that when and how we eat are equally as important to what we eat. Ayurvedic nutrition is highly personalized, thorough in its explanation behind each theory, and undeniable beneficial once you experience its effects.

Ayurvedic Spa Therapy (ASP)

24 (Online) + 21 (On-site) = 45 Hours

This program is designed for those who want to incorporate some of the most powerful stress relieving and rejuvenating practices and techniques to their spa therapy offerings or personal life. With a strong understanding of the human body, these techniques are delivered in a way that specifically releases stress and rejuvenates the body. During the theory part of this program, you will learn how and when to implement a particular technique and the proper materials and ingredients to use. The practical portion of this program is very important as you will receive direct instruction from an experienced Ayurvedic professional to help you perfect your technique.

Ayurvedic Herbology (AH)

69 hours online

This program will provide you with an extensive amount of knowledge in the fascinating world of Ayurvedic herbs. Knowledge of these herbs comes to us from both experience and divine wisdom being shared. We are lucky to have this knowledge recorded, waiting to be learned and implemented for the betterment of human health.

Ayurvedic Pharmaceutics (AP)

54 online + 30 on site = 84 hours

Single herbs can provide an amazing benefit when properly prescribed. When multiple single herbs are combined together to make a formula, their effect is potentiated and the benefit is greater than any herb alone. This program is designed to shed light on some of the most important Ayurvedic formulations. The preparation, uses, advantages and disadvantages of each formula will be covered.

Panchakarma Therapist Certification (PTC)

126 hours total (72 hours Online + 54 hours in-campus)

Panchakarma is one of the most world renowned practices within the entire science of Ayurveda. It is the most effective way to remove toxins and impurities from the deepest tissue levels of the mind & body. Tp practice Panchakarma requires an extensive amount of knowledge, studying, and supervised practice. This program will teach you how to choose the most effective procedure for each rogi as well as the various phases involved, all under supervised guidance.

Ayurvedic Disease Management Certification (ADMC)

399 hours total (273 hours Online + 126 hours in-campus)

This program will teach you how to identify the factors causing a disease, how to trace the disease’s progression through the body, and most importantly, how to treat the disease. Ayurveda is not interested in simply addressing the symptoms of a disease. Ayurveda will address the root cause of a disease so that it is entirely eliminated from the body.

Clinical Training for Ayurvedic Doctors inc. Panchakarma (only for BAMS from India) (CPK)

90 hours in-campus

This program is designed for Ayurvedic doctors (BAMS) who want to further their knowledge of Ayurveda’s most powerful detoxification practice, Panchakarma. There is an endless amount of knowledge to be gained on this extensive topic which is what prompted us to offer this specialized training. This program will help fine tune the skills of a new Ayurvedic Doctor and would also be a wonderful program for any experienced doctor looking to refresh their skills in this complex practice.

Ayurvedic Nutrition & Cooking (ANC)

72 hours total (57 hours Online + 15 hours in-campus)

This program is designed for people with an appetite for healthy food or professionals who wish to incorporate Ayurvedic principles into their dishes. We will learn how to prepare various meals, all with an understanding of their doshic interactions. Ayurveda says that we should enjoy the food we cook and eat, so in addition to being nutritious, the foods are equally as delicious!

DAHCP (Diploma in Ayurvedic Health Care Practices including Panchakarma)

Duration – 1 Year

This program is mainly designed for Kerala students to develop into quality therapists and perform Ayurvedic therapies in the most authentic & professional manner.

Ayurvedic Life Practical

In this 50 hour (6 full days + 1 day sightseeing) practical session, you will live the Ayurvedic Life at Kerala Ayurveda’s Health Village in Cochin, India. The Health Village is a healing haven, nestled along the Periyar River and abundantly full of Ayurvedic herbs and vibrant flowers.

Hands On Clinical Internship

In this 150 hours (17 days) internship, you will experience India both Ayurvedically and culturally. You will live and learn at Kerala Ayurveda’s Health Village in Cochin, India. Experiencing the practices and therapies of Ayurveda in their homeland allows you to understand their origins and elevates your appreciation.


Basics of Ayurveda (BOA)

18 hours – Online 

This course will introduce you to the foundational concepts of Ayurveda that will enable you to expand your knowledge and prepare for more advanced studies. We will start with the philosophical origins of the universe and apply that for an understanding of the development of the human body. Ayurvedic psychology, physiology, daily & seasonal routines, unique body constitutions, and nutrition are some of the main topics that will be covered.

Introduction‌ ‌to‌ ‌Panchakarma‌ (PK1)

9 hours – Online 

This course will provide an introduction to one of Ayurveda’s most powerful practices, Panchakarma. It will focus on the importance of Panchakarma as a detoxification and healing process. We will cover the three stages of panchakarma and the different main procedures to be implemented based on the rogi’s condition.

Introduction‌ ‌to‌ ‌Ayurvedic‌ ‌Nutrition‌ (AN1)

9 hours – Online 

This foundational course will introduce you to the multiple concepts of ahara: tastes, gunas, karma, virya, and vipaka. You will learn about proper digestion from Ayurvedic teachings. It will also go over ways to balance the diet, including when and how to take in foods as well as which foods to eat. All of these concepts will teach you how to customize your eating habits and meal planning for a healthier lifestyle.

Introduction‌ ‌to‌ ‌Ayurvedic‌ ‌Pathology‌ (AP1)

18 hours total (6 days/ 3 hours per day) - Online

This program is vital for your study of Ayurveda! It is one thing when you study out of a textbook, but it is taken to the next level when you have a rogi in front of you that you want to understand. This course will give you a step-by-step method on how to properly assess and diagnose a rogi. The course will cover the Three-Fold examination, the Eight-Fold examination (which includes the renowned Ayurvedic pulse diagnosis), and the Ten-Fold examination.

Introduction‌ ‌to‌ ‌Ayurvedic‌ ‌Herbology‌ (AH1)

12 hours total (4 days/ 3 hours per day) - Online 

This course will introduce you to the vast study of Ayurvedic Herbology. You will learn how to comprehensively analyze key factors of herbs such as: taste, potency, post-digestive effect and what they mean for your health. Ayurveda teaches us that simply taking herbs is not sufficient for gaining the maximum benefit that the herb has to offer. We will also discuss how to maximize the absorption of particular herbs so that we can experience the most benefit possible. Our experienced teachers will also offer insight into the special effects that certain herbs will have on your health.

Preventive Practices of Ayurveda (PPA)

12 hours total (4 days/ 3 hours per day) - Online 

This course is focused on the practices Ayurveda teaches for the prevention of disease. This includes daily and seasonal living routines with the aim of maintaining optimal health. The understanding and implementation of these rituals will help an individual to feel more balanced and healthy.

Advanced‌ ‌Ayurvedic Herbology‌ ‌(AH2)

39 hours total (13 days/ 3 hours per day) - Online 

This program will provide you with a detailed explanation of common and medicinal plants. We will learn how to collect these herbs and understand their qualities and health benefits. Studying common spices that can be used in daily cooking is also important to ensure that they are being selected and used properly. This program will extend beyond single herbs and teach you the qualities and usefulness of different groups of herbs as well.

Advanced Ayurvedic‌ ‌Nutrition‌ ‌(AN2)

18 hours total (6 days/ 3 hours per day) – Online 

As processed foods become more common, the healthy, holistic conversation continues to shift towards highlighting the importance of why we should avoid these foods and prioritize whole foods in their natural, freshly prepared form. Ayurveda takes this a step further by teaching us not only what foods to eat, but when and how to eat for optimal digestion and nutrient assimilation. More than just reviewing these important rules, this course will explain in detail what happens inside the body when we eat improper foods or foods in the improper way. We will also go into greater detail about the various foods groups and how to choose foods in accordance with what is best for each prakruti.

Ayurvedic Lifestyle Practices Certificate (ALP)

30 hours online

This program is designed to guide the student into the understanding of balanced, healthy and happy living. It points out which parts of your lifestyle are not healthy and explains the effects that may have. The program will then teach you how to replace those habits with healthy ones and gives a guide to better living. Students will be eligible to give lifestyle advice & natural remedies for common health issues.

Ayurvedic Nutrition (AN)

57 hours online

Nutrition is one of the most interesting, extensive, and important aspects of living a healthy life! Any nutritionist will tell you that, of course, what we eat is crucial to good health. Ayurveda takes this a step further by teaching us that when and how we eat are equally as important to what we eat. Ayurvedic nutrition is highly personalized, thorough in its explanation behind each theory, and undeniable beneficial once you experience its effects.

Ayurvedic Herbology (AH)

69 hours online

This program will provide you with an extensive amount of knowledge in the fascinating world of Ayurvedic herbs. Knowledge of these herbs comes to us from both experience and divine wisdom being shared. We are lucky to have this knowledge recorded, waiting to be learned and implemented for the betterment of human health.

Ayurvedic‌ ‌Anatomy‌ (AA)

15 hours total (5 days/ 3 hours per day) – Online 

While Ayurveda teaches us that human life expands beyond the physical experience, we must start with a healthy understanding of the physical body. This course will expand on the fundamentals of human anatomy and provide you with a deeper understanding of the structure and functions of the body.

Below are the list of classes offered both online and on campus. Please note, each class will have the total fee listed as well as the online and on campus portion. You may register for the online portion first, then once you have accessed our e-learning system you may choose your on campus portion of the course at a later date and pay that fee.

If you have any questions about this process, please contact us at

Introduction‌ ‌to‌ ‌Ayurvedic‌ ‌Formulations (AF1)

12 hours total (6 hours Online + 6 hours In-campus) 

This program will share the complex history of Bhaishajakalpana, Ayurvedic Formulation Making. We will discuss how to select the correct formula for a given situation to yield the greatest benefit for a rogi. We will also learn how herbs are processed into primary preparations and delve into more detailed explanations and demonstrations of making fresh juices, pastes, decoctions, and hot and cold infusions.

Ayurvedic Disease‌ ‌Management‌ ‌(ADM)

96 hours total (60 hours Online + 36 hours in-campus) 

This program will pull together all of the information that you have learned in previous courses and guide you on how to properly manage the disease that you are handling. Many people believe that Ayurveda is only focused on healthy cooking and how to live a healthy lifestyle. What many do not have a full appreciation for is that at its core, Ayurveda is a healing science with extensive teachings on specifically how to treat a disease. Ayurveda does not simply alleviate the symptoms of a disease. Instead, it teaches you how to identify the disease at the root cause so that it can be entirely eliminated from the body.

Ayurvedic‌ ‌Beauty‌ ‌Care‌ (ABC)

36 hours total (6 days/3 hours per day Online+ 18 hrs in-campus) 

This program is taught by Ayurvedic Doctors who specialize in beauty therapies to introduce you to the concept of Ayurvedic Beauty Care. This course will illustrate to you that many ailments have a root cause and that by learning how to manage the root cause, you will be able to solve all or most of the ailments. We will analyze some common issues involving the head, skin, eyes and mouth and how to treat them. We will also go over practices designed to maintain good health in a preventative fashion that results in beautiful hair, skin, face and feet, true beauty from the inside out!

Advanced‌ ‌Panchakarma‌ (PK2)

36 hours total (6 days/3 hours per day Online + 18 hrs in-campus) 

Panchakarma is known around the world for being one of the most effective and powerful ways to remove toxins and impurities from the mind and body. Since this is such a powerful process, it is important to study it thoroughly to understand the deepest level of understanding. This course involves a combination of theory and hands-on practice, covering advanced topics of Panchakarma, including bodywork, detoxification and Rasayana.

Special Ayurvedic Therapies of Kerala (SATK)

21 hours total (2 days/3 hours per day Online + 15 hrs in-campus) 

Residents of Kerala know there are some Kerala special Ayurvedic therapies known as Keraleeya‌ ‌chikithsakrama‌. It is an honor to share these traditional treatments, therapies and recipes with students. In this course, you will learn and practice onsite some of these techniques including; Pizhichil, ksheeradhara, thakradhara, jambeerapindasweda, patrapindasweda, shashtikasalipindasweda (NjvaraKizhi), sirolepa (ThalPothichil), njavaralepa, and ksheeradhooma.

Ayurvedic Wellness‌ ‌Massage‌ ‌(AWM)

27 hours total (2 days/3 hours per day Online + 21 hrs in-campus) 

There is a reason that Ayurveda is most popularly known for its healing, stress-relieving oil body massage, abhyanga. All someone has to do is experience this one time to understand the holistic benefits. This course will teach you the techniques so that you can offer this healing therapy and incorporate it into any massage practice or spa. You will learn how to perform abhyanga full body massages, facials, foot massages, sirodhara, and udwarthanam (body scrubs). You will learn how to prepare the body for the oils or other ingredients used, proper applications, specific strokes, draping, before and after care, clean up and the appropriate frequency of treatments.

Advanced‌ ‌Ayurvedic Formulations (AF2)

36 hours total (12 hours Online + 24 hours in-campus) 

This program will help you gain substantial knowledge about the fundamentals of different Ayurvedic formulations. During the practical parts of this program, you will learn how to prepare common classical formulations in forms of oils, decoctions, ghees, and more.


Ayurvedic Spa Therapy (ASP)

24 (Online) + 21 (On-site) = 45 Hours

This program is designed for those who want to incorporate some of the most powerful stress relieving and rejuvenating practices and techniques to their spa therapy offerings or personal life. With a strong understanding of the human body, these techniques are delivered in a way that specifically releases stress and rejuvenates the body. During the theory part of this program, you will learn how and when to implement a particular technique and the proper materials and ingredients to use. The practical portion of this program is very important as you will receive direct instruction from an experienced Ayurvedic professional to help you perfect your technique.

Ayurvedic Pharmaceutics (AP)

78 hours total (48 hours Online + 30 hrs in-campus)

Single herbs can provide an amazing benefit when properly prescribed. When multiple single herbs are combined together to make a formula, their effect is potentiated and the benefit is greater than any herb alone. This program is designed to shed light on some of the most important Ayurvedic formulations. The preparation, uses, advantages and disadvantages of each formula will be covered.

Panchakarma Therapist Certification (PTC)

72 (Online) + 54 (On-site) = 126 Hours

Panchakarma is one of the most world renowned practices within the entire science of Ayurveda. It is the most effective way to remove toxins and impurities from the deepest tissue levels of the mind & body. Tp practice Panchakarma requires an extensive amount of knowledge, studying, and supervised practice. This program will teach you how to choose the most effective procedure for each rogi as well as the various phases involved, all under supervised guidance.

Ayurvedic Disease Management Certification (ADMC)

399 hours total (273 hours Online + 126 hrs in-campus) 

This program will teach you how to identify the factors causing a disease, how to trace the disease’s progression through the body, and most importantly, how to treat the disease. Ayurveda is not interested in simply addressing the symptoms of a disease. Ayurveda will address the root cause of a disease so that it is entirely eliminated from the body.

Ayurvedic Nutrition & Cooking (ANC)

72 hours total (57 hours Online + 15 hrs in-campus)

This program is designed for people with an appetite for healthy food or professionals who wish to incorporate Ayurvedic principles into their dishes. We will learn how to prepare various meals, all with an understanding of their doshic interactions. Ayurveda says that we should enjoy the food we cook and eat, so in addition to being nutritious, the foods are equally as delicious!

Ayurvedic Cosmetology (AC)

93 hours total (54 hours Online + 39 hrs in-campus)

This program will teach you about the Ayurvedic concepts of beauty and the lifestyle choices you can implement to maintain it. Crucial to all studies of Ayurveda, we will learn how each of these practices can be modified to fit the needs of each individual. We will also go over practices designed to maintain good health in a preventative fashion that results in beautiful hair, skin, face and feet, true beauty from the inside out!


DAHCP (Diploma in Ayurvedic Health Care Practices including Panchakarma)

Duration - 1 Year

This program is mainly designed for Kerala students to develop into quality therapists and perform Ayurvedic therapies in the most authentic & professional manner.

Clinical Training for Ayurvedic Doctors inc. Panchakarma (only for BAMS from India) (CPK)

90 hours in-campus 

This program is designed for Ayurvedic doctors (BAMS) who want to further their knowledge of Ayurveda’s most powerful detoxification practice, Panchakarma. There is an endless amount of knowledge to be gained on this extensive topic which is what prompted us to offer this specialized training. This program will help fine tune the skills of a new Ayurvedic Doctor and would also be a wonderful program for any experienced doctor looking to refresh their skills in this complex practice.

Ayurvedic Life Practical 

In this 50 hour (6 full days + 1 day sightseeing) practical session, you will live the Ayurvedic Life at Kerala Ayurveda’s Health Village in Cochin, India. The Health Village is a healing haven, nestled along the Periyar River and abundantly full of Ayurvedic herbs and vibrant flowers.

Hands On Clinical Internship 

In this 150 hours (17 days) internship, you will experience India both Ayurvedically and culturally. You will live and learn at Kerala Ayurveda’s Health Village in Cochin, India. Experiencing the practices and therapies of Ayurveda in their homeland allows you to understand their origins and elevates your appreciation.

Ayurvedic Cooking (AYC)

15 hours In-Campus 

This course is designed for people with an appetite for healthy foods or professionals who wish to incorporate Ayurvedic principles into their dishes. We will learn how to prepare teas, appetizers, snacks, main meals, and puddings, all with an understanding of their doshic interactions. Ayurveda says that we should enjoy the food we cook and eat, so in addition to being nutritious, the foods are equally as delicious!

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