Panchakarma Therapist Certificate (PTC)

Panchakarma is one of the most world renowned practices within the entire science of Ayurveda. It is the most effective way to remove toxins and impurities from the deepest tissue levels of the mind & body. Tp practice Panchakarma requires an extensive amount of knowledge, studying, and supervised practice. This program will teach you how to choose the most effective procedure for each rogi as well as the various phases involved, all under supervised guidance.
About the Course
Ayurveda teaches us that there are four inputs into the mind-body system: food, water, breath, and perception. For a variety of reasons, these inputs do not always incorporate properly into our bodies. When something goes wrong in this process, impurities, metabolic toxins, and disease can occur. This is something commonly experienced by people today which is why there are so many modern fads about how to detox the body.
Panchakarma provides the most thorough and effective method to remove these toxins and impurities from the body. There are three phases to ensure the maximum benefit is received by the rogi. First, there is a preparatory phase to loosen the toxins and bring them to the gut, ready to be removed. The main phase fully eliminates the toxins from the body. During the final phase, the body is allowed to rest and rejuvenate as the process back to health begins.
This program will provide you with this information in much more detail so that you can choose the most effective therapies for each rogi and will also provide you with practical, supervised guidance as you begin implementing these practices.

Short Courses in this Certification Program
Basics of Ayurveda, Introduction to Panchakarma, Ayurvedic Anatomy, Ayurvedic Wellness Massage, Special Ayurvedic Therapies of Kerala, and Advanced Panchakarma

Total duration
72 (Online) + 54 (On-site) =
126 Hours

Course Fee
$2723 USD
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