Special Ayurvedic Therapies of Kerala (SATK)

Residents of Kerala know there are some Kerala special Ayurvedic therapies known as Keraleeya chikithsakrama. It is an honor to share these traditional treatments, therapies and recipes with students. In this course, you will learn and practice onsite some of these techniques including; Pizhichil, ksheeradhara, thakradhara, jambeerapindasweda, patrapindasweda, shashtikasalipindasweda (NjvaraKizhi), sirolepa (ThalPothichil), njavaralepa, and ksheeradhooma.
Learning Objectives
- Take a journey into the rich heritage of Keraliya Treatment techniques that are as diverse and beautiful as the land of Kerala itself
- Learn the root philosophies of Ayurveda that have been influenced by the rhythm of Kerala
- Experience these techniques with your own hands to gain a genuine understanding of their unique benefits

Basics of Ayurveda (BOA), Introduction to Panchakarma (PK1)

Six hours of this course will be live streamed; the remaining 15 hours will be offered on site at Kerala Ayurveda Academy India in Kochi. The onsite portion will be 3 days sessions of live lectures, hands on practicum and interactive sessions.

Course Fee
$75 Online Fee
$550 On Campus Fee
Contact our team to have all your questions answered
You can also reach Admissions directly at: +91 484 2628707

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