Ayurvedic Lifestyle Practices (ALP)

This program is designed to guide the student into the understanding of balanced, healthy and happy living. It points out which parts of your lifestyle are not healthy and explains the effects that may have. The program will then teach you how to replace those habits with healthy ones and gives a guide to better living. Students will be eligible to give lifestyle advice & natural remedies for common health issues.
About the Course
This program is designed to guide the student into the understanding of balanced, healthy and happy living. Today, healthy living is assumed to be costly living. Ayurveda teaches us that this is not the case and many of the practices for a healthy life come simply from a deeper awareness and practice within ourselves. This program helps one to understand true healthy practices so that we can avoid bouncing from one modern health trend to the next, never finding what is really being sought.
Many of the lifestyle practices today are a function of our busy schedules. Waking up and immediately checking email, eating in front of a screen, picking up a quick pre-packed salad, and working or watching TV late into the night are a few examples of very common things that many people don’t realize may actually be harmful to your health. It can be hard to identify these factors as unhealthy because they are such a common part of life today.
This program will not only tell you what healthy lifestyle practices are, it will explain the theory behind why these practices are so important to good health. To begin understanding this, we will learn about the fundamental aspects of equilibrium and how this must be maintained.
One of the most important concepts to remember in Ayurveda is the uniqueness of each person. Each individual, and everything else in the universe, can be explained with the theory of tridosha: vata, pitta, and kapha. This program will give you a solid foundation for this theory which will allow you to assess the various qualities of each dosha in each individual or practice so that balance can be found and maintained.

Short Courses in this Certification Program
Basics of Ayurveda & Preventative Practices of Ayurveda

Total duration
30 (Online) Hours

Course Fee
$359 USD
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