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Ayurvedic Herbology (AH)

Ayurvedic Herbology (AH)

This program will provide you with an extensive amount of knowledge in the fascinating world of Ayurvedic herbs. Knowledge of these herbs comes to us from both experience and divine wisdom being shared. We are lucky to have this knowledge recorded, waiting to be learned and implemented for the betterment of human health.

About the Course

Ayurvedic herbs are a fundamental and fascinating part of the study of Ayurveda. Studying these herbs is much more interesting than simply memorizing what the herb is called and what it does.

Ayurvedic herbs can be analyzed based on their qualities, doshic interactions, taste, post-digestive effect, and main action. Considering that there are thousands of herbs, it is hard to imagine how we have so much detailed information on a seemingly countless amount of herbs. Knowledge of these herbs comes to us from both experience and divine wisdom being shared. We are lucky to have this knowledge recorded, waiting to be learned and implemented for the betterment of human health.

This program is designed to teach you how to analyze an herb and understand the process by which we make a selection of the best herb or herbs to use for each rogi in a given situation.


Short Courses in this Certification Program
Basics of Ayurveda, Introduction to Ayurvedic Herbology & Advanced Ayurvedic Herbology


Total duration
69 (Online) Hours


Course Fee
$858 USD

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